A lot has happened after the last update – Minna got chosen as the Athlete of the Year, Anders chose Teräand for myself it’s now time to start my final spurt in studies, the Master thesis. As all the events have been positive ones, life has felt pretty easy. During last week I also got to know a kind person named Anders better and the weekend with Terä-boys was of course hard for the abdominal muscles because of laughing so much ;-). One interesting happening was the training presentation by Anders:
My training has been really good (check the last picture below), and I have made lots of good quality sprint trainings. That might not be “by-the-book -training” for forest orienteerer, but I feel that even my fast muscle fibers need to be recruited more often. The subsequent adaptationsmay be beneficial for the long performances as well. I’ve also started to play games regularly again.
The situation seems to be pretty good as I got the first win of the year from Malibu- aka Vuolake- aka Peurunka-sprint event in Lievestuore. You might find the results on Terä-pages. The absence of three tough guys (Antti A, Jani L and Jonne L) made the job easier, but the explorer Nordenskiöld (Anders N) and coach-oppressor Vormistowere pushing me to the limits. Generally the spirit in Terä is high!
Oops, I almost forgot the grandma in the snow (it's a finnish phrase actually). Here it goes: